January 8 - February 19, 2025

7 weeks to a life changing breakthrough.

7 weeks to a life changing breakthrough. ✨

Enrollment Opens November 2024

Do you ever feel like you are not enough?

Or, maybe you've been told that you are too much?

You are in the right place at the right time if you are:

  • A yoga lover, looking to deepen your spirituality and personal healing

  • A spiritual seeker or healer looking to apply your wisdom in the physical body

  • Brand new to all of this but curious and ready to take control of your emotional and physical health.

You have been through so much! 

Abandonment, difficult relationships and at times struggles with your life's purpose and/or health. 

YET, you have also survived all of this...

And, you've found your way HERE,  where your next real shift is found.


By the end of the Ultimate Chakra Balancing Blueprint

you will…

  • Understand your current Chakra imprint.

    You will clearly identify which chakras are Excessive (overcompensating) and which are deficient (avoiding).

  • Understand WHY you are you!  

    You will connect experiences from your past to the patters you have in your life today.

  • Discover your aches + illnesses are chakra related.

    You will understand how your physical body is signaling you to re-align so you can experience better health.

  • Balance your chakras. 

    This will be crystal clear. You will no longer wonder what to do. In fact, in this course you will do it!

  • Experience a HUGE breakthrough around your core wounds. 

    These wounds are your biggest areas of struggle. In this course you will FINALLY discharge the traumatic energy from your body.

  • Find realignment and experience real peace and self love.

    The results are immediate. Week after week you will gain insights that guide you back to your whole self.

The Schedule

January 8 - February 19, 2025

Tuesdays 7:30-8:30-
Coaching via zoom

Wednesdays 7:30-9pm
yoga practice in studio or from home

This powerful course has four main components:

Course orientation is on Tuesday Januray 7th, and will be online for all registered students from 7:30-8:30pm through Zoom

Each Wednesday we will meet [in the studio or online] from 7:30-9:00pm for the physical yoga practice specific to each week’s Chakra of focus.

Throughout the week ⇢ You will move through a 1 hour module, broken into short video clips, on your own.

On Tuesdays everyone has the option to meet ONLINE, for weekly BONUS sessions to ask questions, get coaching from Terri and process together as a community. These are highly suggested, but not required.


"This is a truly life changing experience led by a master facilitator and beautiful soul."

"Assessing myself through this lens has been one of the most insightful and clarifying processes I have done for myself. Anyone who has the opportunity to do this should absolutely jump on it!”

Ellenit Serrano



$777- Live Online Program

$1111- In Studio Program

This course is over 50 Hours of content, and concludes with a Chakra Certification.

Have a question or need a custom payment plan? Text Terri at 786.300.1003

You can not afford to let one more year [or decade] fly by without balance and real joy in your life. 

Hi, I'm Terri and I can’t wait

for you to join

I created this course because I have guided HUNDREDS of people to achieve huge personal breakthroughs, (just like I had in my own journey) and I want to share this life changing work with everyone who is ready to empower themselves, and to finally heal their wounds and  break through blocks. 

If you are ready to dig deep to achieve the joy, love and abundance you deserve, then you are in the right place. 

And, saying yes to this course is *100%  risk free. So you have nothing to lose except your personal blocks.

I really hope you'll join me for this powerful chakra journey. 



This investment in yourself will dramatically shift you into the life you long for and deserve.

  • My knowledge around chakras has forever changed the way I show up in the world.

    - Cariann Moore

  • I did this work 5 times with Terri! Each one honestly changed my life, and I can't imagine being who I am today without her and this amazing, deep work.

    - Natasha Albonoz

  • First it brought me to my knees. Then it changed my whole life for the better. I'm now chakra obsessed and teaching this work to others.

    - Michelle Douglas

What’s Covered In The Course:

Welcome Module 

Introduction to Chakras

The welcome module will set the tone for the entire course by ensuring you understand the basics of the energy body and how it impacts our lives. 

Module Highlights:

  • Why are your chakras out of balance

  • How they steal energy from each other

  • How do these imbalances impact our relationships (to self and others) and our health

Module 1

Chakra 1: The Root Chakra

Chakra one is the foundation of our lives and our psychology. When this chakra is balanced we feel safe, stable and vibrant. 

Module Highlights:

  • Powerful inner child healing

  • Mother/Father wounds reconciled

  • Moving through FEAR

  • Chakra 1 Yoga practice

Module 2

Chakra 2: The Sacral Chakra

Chakra two governs our emotions and our relationship to pleasure.

Module Highlights:

  • Sexuality and Pleasure

  • Relationship to money

  • Breaking through GUILT

  • Chakra 2 yoga practice

Module 3

Chakra 3: Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakra three is all about our relationship to ourselves.  

Module Highlights:

  • Personal power & self esteem

  • Drive & energy

  • Breaking the Shame Spiral

  • Chakra 3 yoga practice

Module 4

Chakra 4: The Heart Chakra

Chakra four is our heart center, where true emotional balance is found. 

Module Highlights:

  • Acceptance + Forgiveness

  • Unconditional Love

  • Moving through GRIEF

  • Chakra 4 yoga practice

Module 5

Chakra 5: The Throat Chakra

Chakra five is all about communication and choice.

Module Highlights:

  • Conscious communication + deep listening

  • Choosing the narrative of your life

  • Reconciling LIES.

  • Chakra 5 yoga practice

Module 6

Chakra 6: Ajna Chakra

Chakra 6 is where our intuition and vision is are cultivated.

Module Highlights:

  1. Shifting your Perspective

  2. Symbolic sight

  3. Removing Illusion

  4. Chakra 6 Yoga practice

Module 7

Chakra 7: Sahasrara Chakra

Chakra 7 is where our blissful divine self is expressed.

Module Highlights:

  • Healing your spiritual wounds

  • Executive processing

  • Universal connection

  • Chakra 7 Yoga practice

  • Closing ceremony for the entire Chakra journey

Still thinking about it?

7 Ways to Know You’re Ready to Balance Your Chakras

1.  You are new to Chakras and want to do it right


2. You have been working with Chakras but struggling because it can be overwhelming 


3. You love chakra work, and are ready for your NEXT big breakthrough and know the value of a proven roadmap and experienced guide


4. You have a regular yoga practice and are ready to explore more spirituality


5. You don't want to waste another season feeling stuck


6. You are more than ready for a breakthrough


7. You would do almost anything to finally move through your biggest personal block

When you enroll during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:


Ultimate Chakra Balancing Blueprint
(A $1997 Value)


  • 8 Modules of pre-recorded life changing information  

    Short easy to get through videos  full of BIG personal BREAKTHROUGHS 

  • 7 LIVE Chakra Yoga Practices

    Our issues are in our tissues, the chakra specific yoga practices (for all bodies) will help you let go and move forward7

  • 8 LIVE Online Coaching Sessions 

    Get your questions answered, and the chance to get personal coaching from Terri within the group.

Bonus 1

Intro To Yoga Mini- Course

I love yoga beginners! This bonus will hold your hand (and your heart) as I walk you through some key pieces of information that will ensure you get the most out of this course.

(A $297 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • Yoga breathing

  • Yoga variations & modifications

  • Working with props

  • Finding rest and ease

Bonus 2

The Chakra Meditation Course

A complete set of guided mediations 

(A $197 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • 7 Chakra specific meditations written by Terri

  • Guided visualizations

  • Breathing practices

  • Audio downloads for anytime/anywhere practice

Bonus 3

The Ultimate Chakra Balancing Journal

(A $97 Value)

What You’ll Get:

The journal includes 

  • Chakra specific personal inquiry questions

  • Guided self study

  • Intimate breakthroughs and powerful healing through self revealing

Money Back Guarantee

I am so confident that you will get some life changing breakthroughs (if you actually do the work) that I will give you 100% of your money back if you decide to drop out after Chakra 1.

You have nothing to lose. 

Literally zero risk. 

If you attend the Orientation, and the first Chakra practice, and you don't think you are getting any value from the course, you can walk away with a 100% refund

What our most successful students asked before joining:

  • YES!! This program is accessible for every body. This is not cirque du soleil. Our yoga sequences are perfect for beginners and experienced yoga practitioners, and are based in therapeutic alignment.

    AND- the Intro To Yoga Mini-Course Bonus will set you up for success regardless if you are a contortionist or if you will be participating in the entire series sitting on a chair.

  • Our relationship to Money is one of our most important relationships!

    And, money is tied to every single chakra in some aspect.

    Through our course we will spend significant time and energy healing our energy related to worthiness, abundance, manifestation, living your highest purpose and creating the prosperous life you deserve.

    If you struggle financially, you can't afford to not take this course right now. Don't go another year with a block around money.

  • Absolutely!

    Chakra balancing is a life long process that also requires real time calibration.

    In your first Chakra journey, your biggest personal blocks and struggles will take center stage. You will get insight and breakthroughs in your very first round.

    And... with each repeating time you go through the full process you will continue to get even more insights, breakthroughs and energetic tweaks.

    Most of my students take this course on average 3x over a 5 year period.

    And, it is so powerful, that some of my most senior teachers take it every single time.

  • Actually, that is NOT true.

    No one can bring about your long term chakra realignment... except for you.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my healers and guides, and they are a great tool to help validate and reaffirm our personal work, but real chakra balancing is personal.

    It requires each of us to show up and do the work.

    But, don't worry. I'll be with you every step of the way. You got this.

  • Your life will never be less busy. Let's just acknowledge that right now. 

    And- you will have access to this program for a year, so you can certainly move at your own pace if needed. 

    I will not lead this program again any time soon.

    PLUS...You should not wait to live your best life. 

    Now is the time to get your big breakthrough.

  • Yes, you can certainly dip into the abyss of chakra info online, but chances are you will be nothing but confused, and in a year from today still have the same exact blocks you have now.

    UCBB is a PROVEN roadmap that guarantees big personal breakthroughs.

    In this program you will be expertly guided step by step, without all the confusion.

    You will be nurtured and challenged to break through the personal obstacles that have been with you for far too long.

    And, you will do it in the support of a community of other chakra students, working along side you and validating your experience.

  • It's simple. I believe so strongly that if you actually show up and do the program YOU WILL GET A BREAKTHROUGH.

    I'm so confident about that, that I can offer you a 100% money back guarantee.

    The deal is if you attend the Orientation and the Chakra 1 practice And you don't think you are going to get value from this program, you can email Terri@305Yoga.com for your refund.

    I'll confirm you have given it a real try and if you have, I will refund you within 48 hours.


  • In this course you get:

    - 8 Modules of Pre-recorded videos to watch in your own time throughout the week

    - 7 LIVE Chakra Yoga

    - 8 LIVE Processing Sessions

    + PLUS

    *The Intro To Yoga Mini-Course

    *The Chakra Mediation Course

    *The UCBB Journal


  • Welcome back to this epic Chakra experience.

    Many people take this course multiple times (pretty sure 6 times is the current record) because each time it offers new insights and breakthroughs.

    If you have taken one of my Beta ONLINE courses, and you were offered LIFETIME access to the recorded video modules, please email Terri@305Yoga.com

    I’ve moved platforms a few times, so If you don’t know how to access the pre-recorded video course, just email us and we’ll get you squared away.

    Want to take the whole thing LIVE again? I can offer you 50% OFF the LIVE Online program. Use promo code chakras50